Showroom Visit Reservation Campaign: First-come-first-served gift for those who make a reservation via the web.


Aichi Prefecture

1 showroom available

Other nearby showrooms

3-16-3 Minami Aoyama, Minato Ward, Tokyo


Shinjuku Takashimaya Department Store 10F, 5-24-2 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


3-23-20 Sumiyoshi, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture


4-1-3 Kutaro-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture



TOYO KITCHEN STYLEでは、全国各地にショールームを展開しています。店舗へのアクセスについては、各店舗ページをご覧ください。

名古屋市 豊橋市 岡崎市 一宮市 瀬戸市 半田市 春日井市 豊川市 津島市 碧南市 刈谷市 豊田市 安城市 西尾市 蒲郡市 犬山市 常滑市 江南市 小牧市 稲沢市 新城市 東海市 大府市 知多市 知立市 尾張旭市 高浜市 岩倉市 豊明市 日進市 田原市 愛西市 清須市 北名古屋市 長久手市 東郷町 豊山町 大口町 扶桑町 みよし市 東浦町 南知多町 美浜町 武豊町 幸田町 大治町 蟹江町 飛島村


What you can do in the showroom

  • Shopping

    POINT 1


    It is hard to know if it fits with your floor plan and image until you see it in person. Please experience the interior space centering on the kitchen on the spot.

  • Coordination Consultation

    POINT 2

    Coordination Consultation

    Our coordinators will guide you through the products. You can actually experience cooking in the kitchen and compare the products by combining them with your favorite design.

  • Estimate

    POINT 3


    Products you are interested in can be immediately Estimate. Please feel free to tell us your needs even if you do not have a specific plan in mind. We can also modify the plan to fit your budget.

  • Design

    POINT 4


    You can also visit our building with a construction company or architect to view the drawings and plan your project. We will help you create a new home with the best solutions and solid coordination skills.

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